Al Qaeda leader’s family members arrested in Nasr City

leader-al-qaeda-al-zawahiri-ayman.nFamily members of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahri were arrested in Nasr City after security forces raided their home on Friday. The police investigation office announced that with the aid of the national security agency they received information regarding the presence of “Jihadi elements” in a building in Nasr City. They moved in “with the assistance of the special forces and the national security forces. They were able to arrest the accused without any resistance.” According to state-run Al-Ahram, the two people arrested were Al-Zawahri’s cousin and nephew. Two pistols were found in the apartment while several computers were confiscated. The arrested were transported to Tora prison south of Cairo. The prosecutor general’s office referred the incident to the national security prosecutor’s office as it falls “under its jurisdiction.” Al-Zawahri was appointed leader of Al-Qaeda international Jihadist organisation after Osama Bin Laden was killed. Mohamed Al-Zawahri, his brother and prominent Jihadist Salafi movement leader, was previously arrested in Giza.

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