Egypt requested information about 11 Facebook accounts

facebook-logoThe Egyptian government sent eight requests for data on 11 individuals, Facebook revealed on Tuesday in its first global report on government requests demanding access to users accounts. The report includes requests submitted by 74 governments governments to the company demanding information about 38,000 user accounts during the first half of 2013 until June. The report included two Arab countries. In addition to Egypt, Qatar also demanded information about three users in three reports. However, Facebook responded to none of them. On the top of countries demanding information about Facebook users was the U.S. who submitted around 12,000 requests about 21,000 individuals. Facebook responded to around 79 percent of the requests. India ranked the second place submitting 3,245 requests demanding information about 4,144 individuals. Facebook responded to 50 percent. The UK ranked the third place with 1,975 requests. Germany ranked the fourth place with 1,886 requests. In fifth place came Italy with 1,705 requests, followed by France with 1,547 requests, then Spain with 479 requests and then Turkey. Facebook also revealed intentions to issue more reports in the future saying it will issue half-annual reports so users can know the increase and decrease in requests over the years. Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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