Bomb disarmed in Alexandria train stop

Police in Alexandria disarmed an electric bomb found in an Alexandria train stop, minutes before it exploded. Security evacuated the areas surrounding the Abu Qir platform at the Egypt Train stop in Alexandria, where the bomb was found. An explosives expert was brought to the scene. Privately-owned ONA news agency quoted Major General Nasser al-Abd, chief of Alexandria investigations department, saying, “several citizens notified police inside the train stop about a strange suitcase on abu Qir platform. “On inspecting the suitcase, a bomb, composed of two cylinders linked to wires and a passport were found inside,” Abd added. The passport is being checked to know its owner. Reports over bombs found at different areas in Egypt have increased. Security services have been disposing of them since violence erupted following ouster of ex-President Mohamed Morsy in July and the dispersal sit-ins supporting him in August.

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