Bomb explodes near Mahalla Police club in Gharbiyya

An improvised explosive device (IED) exploded Thursday evening in front of Mahalla Police club in Gharbiyya governorate causing no casualties, a security source said.

The vicinity has been cordoned off, and civil protection forces and explosives experts began combing it in search for foreign bodies, the source told Aswat Masriya.

Another bomb detonated earlier on Thursday in front of Gharbiya’s municipal governor’s office, leaving two security personnel injured. Anonymous assailants placed an IED inside a bag which they threw at the governorate’s office prior to the arrival of Gharbiyya governor.

Egypt’s security forces have intensified their security measures in North Sinai in reaction to repeated militant attacks that target army and police officials, which rose significantly since the military ouster of former President Mohamed Mursi last year. The attacks soon expanded to other areas of the country, including the capital.

This content is from :Aswat Masriya
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