Egypt’s Judges Club expels 75 pro-Morsi members

Judges clubSeventy-five judges have been expelled from Egypt’s Judges Club after they called for the reinstatement of former president Mohamed Morsi. The expulsions were made at an emergency meeting of the club’s high board on Tuesday because the judges had “backed a particular political party, which deviates from judicial traditions and its values of neutrality, impartiality and non-partisanship.

” The 75 judges released a signed statement on Wednesday denouncing the “overthrow of elected President Mohamed Morsi” which was an “attack on legitimacy.” They also demanded the reinstatement of the 2012 constitution that was approved by a nationwide referendum during Morsi’s year in office and was suspended after his ouster. The club said it would file a report against the 75 judges to the prosecutor-general and the Supreme Judicial Council. It also called on the Minister of Justice to take disciplinary action against them. The Judges Club is the de facto representative of Egypt’s judges. Over 90 percent of the country’s judges are members.

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