Housing Ministry: 500,000 buildings built illegally since January revolution

Hassan Allam, head of the department affiliated to the Ministry of Housing responsible for conducting technical inspections on construction work, said that LE600 billion worth of illegal buildings have been built after the 25 January revolution.

He warned against the sharp increase of building on agricultural lands during the few past days, especially on the Cairo-Alexandria agricultural road stretching from Qalyoub until Daqahliya.

Allam told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the land around the agricultural road has turned into car exhibitions and wedding party halls, while municipalities have not take action against the violations.

He added that the number of buildings violating regulations have reached 500,000, most of which were built on agricultural and state-owned lands. He denied that there would be reconciliation under the new bill drafted by the ministry.

Allam added that his department has started giving lectures to its employees, in coordination with the Interior Ministry, to identify forged building documents as well as counter bribes and corruption.


Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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