Maadi Mechanic murdered a 12-year-old boy after attempted rape

A mechanic attempted to rape a 12-year-old child in the Maadi district of Greater Cairo and murdered him after the child resisted, on Jan. 29, according to the program Red Line, presented on Tahrir Channel, Saturday night.

The perpetrator confessed to his crime to the prosecution, and the Maadi Police Station investigations provided evidence of the crime.

Colonel Mohamed Mahboub, head of investigations, stated, during an interview on the program, that they first received a report that a body had been found inside a bag, which had been thrown onto the metro line from the pedestrian bridge above it.

He added that the perpetrator tried to drag the young boy into his workshop, and when the child resisted, he severely beat and injured him, leading to his death. The child’s parents, who were outside of Cairo at the time of the incident, requested that the killer be executed in a public square to deter others from committing similar crimes, during an interview on the program.

This case recalls another similar case, which sparked major public outrage, when a 5-year-old girl was thrown off the top of an 11-storey stairwell after two minors attempted to rape her. Various protests and movements arose following the incident, demanding harsh sentences against the two boys.

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