Is your search engine halal?

wtf smallExisting search engines aren’t catered to the needs and concerns of Muslims, according to “Halalgoogling”, a new site that seeks to provide a more Muslim-friendly alternative. Halalgoogling functions much like Google or Bing, but with a built-in “advanced special filtering system” that blocks content deemed “haram”, or forbidden in Islam.


There are several other “halal” search alternatives on the web, though none have achieved widespread popularity. Halalgoogling aims to succeed where others have failed by offering a variety of specialty search options, such as sports, news, and shopping.



Some new users of the site questioned whether their search results were guaranteed to be halal:

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  1. On their blog, the site’s developers acknowledge that the filtration system isn’t perfect
  2. Despite of our best efforts to make our service as secure as possible from haram content, there is still much work to be done, we still have several milestones to overcome
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