Morsi loyalists stage fresh round of mass protest

rabaaA newly formed coalition of Islamist parties has called for yet another round of mass protests on Friday against what they perceived as military coup following the army’s overthrow of the country’s Islamist leader.



The National Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy called upon supporters of toppled president Mohamed Morsi to mass on Friday, dubbed “breaking the coup,” in major squares in Cairo and elsewhere.


The day will coincide with the 40th anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war victory which falls on the 10th of the Muslim month of Ramadan.


In a Thursday statement, the Islamist umbrella group said the only way to end the current political deadlock is to ‘reverse the coup and restore the legitimacy of the president, the constitution and the parliament.’


President Morsi has been removed from office by the army’s popularly-backed overthrow on July 3.


Under the military-backed roadmap, head of Egypt’s top court was appointed interim president, the constitution was suspended and the Islamist-dominated higher house of parliament (Shura Council) was dissolved as a result by a presidential decree.


The coalition is to issue a another statement providing the blueprint of protests and marches on the day.


Morsi has been held incommunicado in an undisclosed location since his ouster on 3 July amid nationwide protests demanding an end to his rule.


The former president’s allies have remained steadfastly encamped in Cairo and Giza since his ouster clamouring for his reinstatement. His supporters have since marched and rallied across Cairo and other provincial towns.

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