Mubarak’s arrives at Police Academy as trial gets underway

A helicopter transporting former President Hosni Mubarak arrived Saturday morning from Maadi’s military hospital to the Police Academy in Cairo, where he is being tried on charges of killing peaceful protesters during the January 25 Revolution and of corruption relating to the export of gas to Israel below market prices.

Security at the Academy has been beefed up as the trial gets underway.

Ex-Interior Minister Habib al-Adly together with six of his assistants are also being tried on charges of incitement and assisting in the killing of protesters. Businessman Hussein Salem and Mubarak’s two sons, Gamal and Alaa, are being prosecuted for financial crimes related to corruption and influence peddling, misuse of public funds, and cheap gas exports to Israel.

Former member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Hamdy Badeen, arrived at the Academy on Saturday morning to give his testimony on allegations that the former president and former regime officials severed communication lines during the revolution.

The court is also scheduled to hear the testimony of the executive head of the National Authority for Communications Amr Badawy.


Originally published in Youm7.

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