Obama to meet Brotherhood officials

Obama_Wave_White_House_AFPU.S. President Barack Obama has agreed to meet with Muslim Brotherhood representatives at the White House, sources told Egypt Independent. Obama would reportedly meet with Brotherhood officials to “hear their opinion” on developments in Egypt, in the presence of Turkish diplomats. Egypt Independent heard from sources inside the Muslim Brotherhood that Islamist-linked billionaire Hassen Malek requested a meeting through Obama’s office manager. The meeting with Turkish officials is expected to take place this month. Turkish diplomats are expected to push for Mohamed Morsi’s reinstatement as Egyptian president, sources said, if not that the Muslim Brotherhood would be assured of political survival following a month-long violent stand-off with the armed forces in the wake of Morsi’s overthrow. Over 300 people have been reported killed since army chief and Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced Morsi’s ouster on 3 July. The U.S. has repeatedly supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s ascendancy in Egypt, researcher Mohamed Hasanein Heikahl said. While a number of Brotherhood leaders have publicly criticized the U.S. stance, accusing the Obama administration of “playing a role in Morsi’s overthrow,” they are said to be hoping for a shift as tentative talks continue with Egypt’s interim administration.

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