Relatives of raped girl demand retribution

Relatives of Zeina Arafa, the girl who was raped and killed in Port Said, staged a vigil on Thursday outside the prosecutor general’s office to demand the court that is convening on 16 February not to postpone the verdict.

Hatem Shaaban of the protesters said the verdict was postponed three times before. “The court set next Sunday to announce the verdict,” he said. “We do not want yet another delay.”

Inas Mohamed said that she contacted the president’s office, and that the office called the girl’s father to tell him that the case will take its due course.

The defendants involved in the trial are the doorman of Zeina’s building and his friend. They are accused of luring the child to the rooftop and raping her in rotation, then throwing her from the building for fear their crime would be discovered.

The forensic report mentioned that the victim suffered from fractures in her skull, limbs, face and neck as a result of a high fall. The report also confirmed that the girl was sexually assaulted before being thrown.



Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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