Teacher in Upper Egypt ‘beat girls for praising El-Sisi’

Prosecutors are investigating a teacher who allegedly hit female pupils after one of them praised army chief Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi.

The mathematics teacher at a preparatory girls’ school (ages 12-15) in Minya, Upper Egypt is accused of verbally and physically assaulting 25 pupils during the incident earlier this week, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.

The teacher allegedly let out a string of expletives and slapped the girls around the face, Al-Ahram added.

School headmaster Mohamed Essameddin disputed the allegations, but referred the teacher for investigation.

Egyptians have been divided between loyalists of deposed president Mohamed Morsi and those who favour the military which ousted him in July amid mass protests against his rule. Tensions have been heighted at universities and schools since the start of the academic year in September. Protests on university campuses have at times boiled over into violence between rival students.

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