Two women die of swine flu in Luxor

Two women died of swine flu, prompting the Governor of Luxor to announce a state of emergency at health departments in the governorate on Sunday, according to German news agency DPA.

Two other women have been quarantined due to potential infection, DPA reported.

A crisis management committee was formed to take the necessary preventive measures, DPA quoted the Luxor governor’s Secretary-General as saying.

The Ministry of Health, on the other hand, has responded by saying that swine flu has become a seasonal virus that the ministry deals with like every other disease, and all public hospitals have the medications for it.

“Some people get infected with swine flu because they do not adhere to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health for prevention, and they delay seeking medical attention,” Rabat said in a television interview on Mehwar, Sunday.

Additional reporting by Ayman Ramadan.

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